All Chairs

James Christensen

As a serial entrepreneur and past executive in large multinational companies, James Christensen has seen every angle of success – from challenging lessons to triumphant wins. With over 30 years of business experience, he has developed a passion for working with results-driven leaders to help them refine their goals, perfect their leadership skills, and create a path that helps fulfill their vision.

Ian Gunn

With more than 25 years of experience as a trusted advisor to CEOs, presidents, small business owners, and leaders of large enterprises, Ian Gunn has helped people and organizations from coast to coast create a remarkable impact.

Deb Milimaka Miles

For the leaders of today’s SMEs, resources are increasingly stretched, competition is fierce and there are dynamic new challenges to face every day – but by enlisting the skillset of Deb Milimaka Miles, leaders will be able to identify and then supersede any perceived limits.

Gord Moker

As a TEC Canada Chair, Gord's vast experience, and reputation for leading the strategic decisions that inspire long-term growth empowers his members to accelerate their development, bolster their organization’s financial health, and enhance the well-being and productivity of every employee.

Michael Watt

Having benefitted from being a TEC Canada member for nearly a decade, Michael has recently transitioned his corporate career to a part-time role to assume the position of a TEC Chair to cultivate the power of a peer group for fellow business leaders in the Niagara, ON region.

Daryl Bitz

With over 25 years of senior executive business experience to his accreditation, Daryl is ready to guide today’s business leaders with life-changing experiences and exceeding what they thought was possible.

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