Member Story: Amanda Buhse
“I know that by being a TEC member, I’ve been able to successfully grow my business to the degree that it has. I don’t think that our sales would be quite as high if I didn’t join TEC.”
“I know that by being a TEC member, I’ve been able to successfully grow my business to the degree that it has. I don’t think that our sales would be quite as high if I didn’t join TEC.”
"I wouldn’t be a CEO today if it wasn’t for my Chair – he provided me the confidence in trusting my decision-making."
“I was looking for an organization that was going to nurture and nourish the business side of me a bit more. There’s no shortage of organizations I can join – and have joined – for law, but it’s uncommon to find genuine camaraderie with other lawyers who are strictly looking to understand a business from the inside out.”
“By joining TEC, I had access to a group of other CEOs that were focusing their intellectual capital on my business and strategizing about how to make sure it was successful – ensuring that we weren’t growing too fast or going left when we should have gone right. It allowed PurePave to grow more strategically, profitably, and overcome our hurdles faster,”
“As a founding member of our TEC group, I’ve seen the tides change and evolve over the years – and continue to be presented with different perspectives each time.”
“Sometimes as a CEO, you have to make tough decisions and it’s human nature to dwell on them – having the weight left on you. My TEC group helps me clear my mind and focus on the things that are more important and create influence through FHQ Developments,”
"TEC’s taught me the need to be proactive in uncertainty. The worst thing you can do is wait around; you have to develop strategies to work within the current situation.”
“When I joined TEC, Number TEN was going into its worst fiscal year in a decade. My TEC group helped us navigate the difficulties and tough times. That’s when you need TEC, and its community of advisors and confidants the most".
“When I was doing things on my own, I was being a bit more risk-averse than I should have been. My TEC group provided me with the feedback and knowledge to trust my decisions and go bigger than I thought was possible.”
"As an entrepreneur, when I look at my group, they get me – they know the challenges I’m facing because they’ve conquered them, they approach a problem from different perspectives and offer solutions to tackle that issue.”