Interested in uncovering the dynamics of a post-pandemic world and the ways in which our economy, those around us, and markets will be affected in the short and long term? Don’t miss the previously recorded webinar led by Ritesh Jain!
Based in Calgary, AB, Ritesh Jain has over 20 years of experience in financial services, focusing mainly on investments in Indian and global markets. He is a trend watcher, global macro investor, and owner of the WorldoutofWhack blog. In the 2019 annual review, Linkedin rated Ritesh among the top three influencers in the world of Economy and Finance, and he is currently associated with the McLean Family office as Chief Global Strategist.
By watching this data-driven and thought-provoking webinar, viewers will become equipped with Ritesh’s deeper insights surrounding:
- How to get ready for “Bigger government and a shrinking private sector”
- Global supply chains and what they mean for the economy & your business
- Global liquidity and its impact on markets, economy, and businesses