“We have to be aware of stale-dated economic indicators. They can give a backward-looking and incorrect impression of what is actually happening right now. In contrast, business sector surveys give an almost instantaneous picture of what is going on. There were almost 250 respondents to our June TEC CEO Confidence survey. It was carried out between June 9th and June 23rd. In effect, it is a “live” representative measure of business conditions. There is very little time lag. It is exactly the kind of indicator that we need at a time like this.”
– Dr. Peter Andersen, Economist, on the TEC Canada CEO Confidence Index.
The TEC Canada CEO Confidence Index is a quarterly survey measuring the confidence of Canadian business leaders of small-to-medium enterprises. The results provide insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by leaders and their confidence in the Canadian business environment. The TEC Canada members surveyed are CEOs and business owners of predominantly small-to-medium enterprises with employees primarily between 50 to 500 and annual revenue of between $1 million to $500 million.
The TEC Canada CEO Confidence Index Q3 2020 was conducted from June 9, 2020, to June 23, 2020, and had almost 250 Canadian participants in the research.