From Isolation to Inspiration
A testimonial about the TEC Canada member experience, written by Léonie Pelletier, President and Founder of oui L’agence.

“It’s Very Lonely at the Top.”
This is a quote that I heard and felt a lot during the year 2023. One thing I decided to do for myself last year was to join a group of entrepreneurs to discuss, exchange ideas, receive advice (and potentially offer it), be understood, and heard about the reality we live (often alone) and the challenges we overcome in this great adventure called entrepreneurship. I am extremely well surrounded, but it was really a move for me to evolve, learn, and continue to grow in this particular role that demands a lot of adaptation, reflection, and self-questioning.
It began with a strategic retreat in early November. I was very excited to see what this group would bring to me, not only professionally but also personally. I was in a rather dark period at that time, and it took everything for me to get there that weekend.
Fortunately, I hit the mark: joining TEC Canada and being connected to this group of 13 entrepreneurs was the best decision of my year, by far. These two days with them far exceeded all my expectations. I find it difficult to put into words what this group brings to me. It is both enjoyable and challenging. I don’t think I’ve ever had such stimulating, raw exchanges, filled with vulnerability, trust, openness, and confidentiality in my entire life.
One of the most surprising parts for me was realizing (with humility) all the knowledge and expertise I possess as an entrepreneur. It’s rare in this role to receive concrete feedback and to test our entrepreneurial instincts, a quality that is hard to measure. To navigate conversations with ease, to take a stand, to give my point of view, to read financial statements, and to understand and know how to analyze them. It was very rewarding and gave me a new lease of life for this profession that I love so much and that requires me to wear so many different hats.
Pinch me, I feel really lucky.
The most beautiful part of all this: we have a full-day meeting every month, the first of the year was last week (just as stimulating and incredible as the retreat), in addition to a one-on-one meeting with our TEC group Chair (John Vincent) every month as well. So, I can regularly continue my learning and evolution with this group. It’s a true gift.
If you are an entrepreneur: this is your sign. Don’t wait to become a member of TEC Canada.

In 2019, after eight years working in the communications field and opening her first agency in 2015, Léonie Pelletier had just one goal: to take a break, find herself and reinvent herself through a project that would be fun and simple. This project is oui L’agence! Over the years, oui L’agence has become a team, with each member bringing his or her unique skills and expertise to bear on challenges from every angle, working together to find innovative solutions.
At oui L’agence, we bring together know-how and boldness to build strong ties between brands and their audiences, be it through social media or media relations. Our approach is personalized and innovative, while our strategic thinking is constantly being reinvented.
Learn more HERE.