Right Fix, Wrong Problem:
The Hidden Risks of Misaligned Solutions
By Andrew Rush
Much like the people who run them, the best organizations are constantly seeking new ways to improve. While continuous improvement is the goal, the key is to build on success rather than aimlessly shooting arrows in the dark.
The pace of change in the current business climate has created an alarming trend: the rush to implement solutions without fully understanding the underlying problems. This oversight can have significant ramifications, not just on the success of improvement initiatives, but on the culture of the organization itself.
The Cultural Impact of Skipping the Problem Analysis
When organizations leap to solutions without a thorough understanding of the problems they aim to solve, they risk setting themselves up for failure. Often, this leads to the adoption of methodologies that are not well-suited to the issues at hand. Even if the initiative doesn’t outright fail, it can create friction and resistance among employees. Those on the front line, executing the production of the product or delivery of the service, often recognize when a solution does not fit the problem. Without their buy-in, the likelihood of success and sustainability diminishes significantly.
What drives the advancement of misaligned solutions?
The decision to implement new methodologies is typically made at senior levels of the organization. Yet, it is this level that is struggling most with the current pace of change.
A recent study examined the challenges faced by leaders at every organizational level – from the front line to the C-suite. The study analyzed data collected from over 48,000 leaders within 7,000 organizations located across the globe. The number one leadership challenge identified by C-level executives in this group was the challenge of working in a dynamic business environment. New regulations, market and economic conditions, competition, and growth were identified as factors contributing to this challenge.
Another study surveyed 106 C-suite executives from 91 private and public-sector companies in 17 countries and found that 85% believed their organizations are not good at diagnosing problems. Of those, 87% believed this deficiency comes at a significant cost.
In addition to failures that inherently come with trying to solve a problem that is not well understood, this top-down approach can generate tension between different organizational levels. Employees may feel that changes are being imposed upon them or that the organization’s leaders lack a clear understanding of the real challenges they face. This disconnect can breed frustration, especially when the momentum of the change initiative shifts, or when unexpected roadblocks are encountered. Without proper buy-in from all levels of the organization, change initiatives are often abandoned. Not only does this risk leave organizations with lost time or wasted effort, but it also increases the likelihood that future change initiatives will fail.

The “Ghosts of Methods Past”
A vivid visual of this phenomenon is found in what we refer to as the “Ghosts of Methods Past.” It’s not uncommon to enter a workplace and see remnants of past initiatives, such as abandoned whiteboards, shadow boards, or posters that display fragmented or outdated details of different programs or frameworks. These leftover traces are a clear indication that, while some aspects of the methodology may have been beneficial, the overall approach was discarded. The cycle of adopting and abandoning methodologies can lead to change fatigue, which ultimately breeds cynicism and resistance to future change initiatives. Employees become weary of constant change that has little lasting impact.
The “Airport Syndrome”
The recurring cycle of introduce-implement-abandon has been dubbed the “airport syndrome.” The theory is that a CEO who is traveling picks up a business book during a layover and returns with newfound enthusiasm for a trendy management method. The organization is swiftly redirected towards this new strategy without careful planning and analysis to determine if the method actually fits the organization’s needs and opportunities. If such drastic pivots occur too frequently, employees begin responding with eye rolls of exasperation, clear signs of change fatigue and frustration.
Repeatedly implementing and abandoning methods undermines the organization’s ability to successfully adopt even the right change initiatives. The cumulative effect of these disruptions is the erosion of trust and morale, making it difficult to achieve long-term improvement.
Jim Collins uses the “Flywheel” metaphor in his acclaimed book, “Good to Great” to describe how businesses that transition from merely surviving to achieving enduring success approach improvement. He explains that “good-to-great” companies did not achieve greatness through a single, dramatic transformations or one grand initiative. Rather, they built success by persistently applying effort, as you would to a large, heavy flywheel, gradually turning it and building momentum over time, much like to the slow and steady effort required to push a boulder up a hill. Their focus was not on one powerful push, but on persistent, consistent effort. Through this description, Collins provides a lasting visual for the requirements of continuous improvement.
The Role of Communication in Successful Change Management
Hasty implementation of change initiatives often suffers from inadequate communication and a failure to conduct a thorough evaluation of potential benefits and risks. When managers inform frontline employees of a new initiative, the message can be misinterpreted. Employees might hear a threat to their current roles or job security, rather than an opportunity for improvement. They may hear, “We need to do X% better at Y,” and interpret that to mean they need to work harder. Without considering the perspective of those affected by change, leaders miss the chance to communicate effectively and to avoid or reduce resistance.
Effective communication begins with upfront conversations about the potential impact and outcomes of proposed changes. It’s essential to articulate the benefits and address concerns openly and honestly. This isn’t about sugarcoating the truth; it’s about fostering an environment of transparency and collaboration.
It can also be helpful to use data from past performance. If you track key performance metrics weekly or monthly, and employees have previously met the desired results, then highlighting that you are not asking for more output but rather more consistency can be a powerful way of gaining employee buy-in.
Empowering Employees for Successful Change
Successful change management is not about implementing the latest business trends or even the most tried and true methods for operational optimization. It’s about developing customized solutions based on a foundational understanding of the problems at hand and implementing them with a commitment to transparent communication. By understanding the problem and empowering employees, organizations can foster a winning culture where continuous improvement becomes woven into the fabric of the business.
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About the Author
Andrew Rush is a seasoned business leader and established thought leader known for his innovative and practical approach to operational management. He has a people-centric, impact-driven approach to business transformation that combines his career experiences as both a consultant and business leader for small, medium and large businesses.
His insights and methodology have caught the attention of prestigious platforms such as Forbes Magazine, and Andrew is a frequent guest on webinars and podcasts, where he inspires audiences and guides leaders.
Andrew’s career journey has provided him with a multi-dimensional perspective and practical experience in leadership. Starting as a consultant in 1997, he went on to lead various companies in the building materials, aluminum, and construction industries, assuming key roles such as Vice-President of Operations, Vice-President of Sales, General Manager, and President. His leadership dexterity has been demonstrated in both unionized and non-unionized environments, as well as in steering both publicly traded and privately held firms towards success.
Andrew has a consistently demonstrated ability to amplify business outcomes by fostering team collaboration and cultivating effective senior leadership. Beyond his corporate achievements, Andrew is an accomplished speaker and trainer, regularly sharing his insights to empower business leaders globally.