Collective intelligence
Fearlessly approaching issues
Knowing better
And doing better

Grow Business
Companies who joined TEC Canada/Vistage over the past five years grew 2.2 times faster than average small and medium-sized businesses. TEC provides a clear competitive advantage with a proven ROI.

Solve Problems
TEC’s proven process can be transformative. You’ll approach complex issues and uncertainty with more confidence. Improve decision making in your business and personal life. Become a better leader.

Digging deeper into your personal and professional challenges is critical to achieving high levels of success. Our Chairs are expertly trained, have a commendable business background, and provide one-to-one executive coaching that accelerates your ability to grow strategically and overcome hurdles faster.

Thought leadership, expert speakers and 24/7 online access to our exclusive video learning platform, white papers and best practice toolkits keep you at the forefront of your industry.

Join a Peer Group
Imagine having access to your very own peer advisory board. Confidential group meetings guided by an accomplished Chair provide a safe and stimulating environment to accelerate personal and professional growth.

We’ve supported Canada’s best and brightest business leaders for over 30 years, helping them to create jobs, drive innovation, introduce new technologies, propel the economy, improve company cultures and build tomorrow’s leaders.

The Benefits of TEC
Jason Flick, President & Co-Founder of You.i TV
You’ll Fit Right In
Our members are as diverse as the wide range of businesses they run. They are enthusiastic entrepreneurs and business leaders, passionate about making a difference at work and in the world around them. For over 30 years, TEC’s proven process has helped over 1,400 Canadian executives and owners become better leaders. Explore who could be sitting at your table.
The Newest Thought Leaders Joining the TEC Canada Speaker Communuity | Keynote Speakers & Workshops
With their invaluable thought leadership, these experts bring a wealth of real-world expertise on the most essential topics for today's business leaders.
Brian Brennan Honoured with the 2024 Robert Nourse Award
We proudly celebrate Brian Brennan as the 2024 recipient of the Robert Nourse Award—the highest honour a TEC Chair can receive.
2024 TEC Canada Awards: Honouring Leadership Coaching Excellence
The TEC Canada Awards are an annual celebration of the outstanding TEC Canada Chair community.
The 2024 TEC Canada National Chair Conference Kicks off in Vancouver, BC!
Our President & CEO, Todd Millar, alongside Founder Dr. W. Lynn Tanner, officially launched the conference with an inspiring welcome presentation.
The TEC Canada Members of Canada’s Top Growing Companies of 2024
These innovative businesses, led by remarkable leaders, span a diverse range of industries—from cutting-edge psychological services and premium equipment rentals to natural, raw pet foods.
TEC Canada Is a Proud Sponsor of ABFI’s 20th Annual Signature Event
Join TEC Canada at the ABFI 20th Annual Signature Event, celebrating Alberta’s outstanding business families. Purchase your tickets for this must-attend gala in Edmonton or Calgary!