In a climate of fierce hyper-competition and commoditization, entrepreneurs must continuously reevaluate their growth strategy, market position, and value proposition. The “Secret Sauce: A Recipe For Growth” presentation led by Marc Emmer – Author, Keynote Speaker at Vistage Worldwide, and President of Optimize Inc. – was specifically designed to help Canadian business leaders maintain a competitive advantage that requires constant transformation and continuous improvement.

At the heart of the strategy are difficult choices that entrepreneurs need to make about concentration risk, diversification, and how to ensure that a company’s value proposition continues to resonate in the marketplace. While companies know they must provide unique value, the quest for differentiation can prove to be elusive. Throughout this presentation, Marc Emmer, author of Momentum: How Companies Decide What to Do Next provided useful insights on how to:

  • Identify growth segments in a world of volatility
  • Evaluate new income streams
  • Weave strategic planning into the fabric of an organization
  • Build a more productive sales and marketing organization
  • Build a sustainable value proposition
  • Build infrastructure to support growth

*Please note that this webinar was a live session only, for more information on Marc Emmer’s work, please visit his website.

The TEC Canada Deeper Insights webinar series will equip you with the tools to strategically approach complex issues and uncertainty with confidence. Hosted by industry experts – that have a commendable business background – each webinar is focused on accelerating your ability to grow strategically and overcome hurdles faster. In addition to expert thought leadership, all webinars feature a Q&A session. This is your opportunity to gain insight from industry leaders and implement real solutions. 

Marc Emmer
Marc EmmerPresident Optimize| Keynote Speaker at Vistage Worldwide | Forbes & Contributor | Strategy Facilitator
Marc Emmer is recognized as a thought leader throughout North America and is sought after by CEOs as an expert in strategy and strategic planning. The release of Marc’s second strategy book, Momentum: How Companies Decide What to Do Next, was covered online by Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, CBS, and NBC. Marc has delivered over 300 keynote speeches for peer groups and trade associations and for companies such as Starbucks and Panda Express.

Marc is President of Optimize Inc. The firm’s impressive client list of over 140 organizations includes CBRE, Deschutes Brewery, Fidelity Life, Rio Tinto, Justice Stores, Woodbury University, Klipsch, and Fruit Growers Supply (Sunkist). Optimize helps mid-market companies build long term, strategic growth plans and create the infrastructure (people, processes and technology) required to support growth.

Marc is a frequent contributor to, and the Vistage Research Center. Marc has also served on several nonprofit and for-profit boards.

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