With most businesses having pivoted to employees working remotely, are you operating as effectively as you want to be – and need to be – during this crisis? Bruce Breier, Owner-President at BHB Consulting Services, depicts the five fundamentals of effectiveness and how to employ them to optimize your team’s performance during this time. Breier’s “The Highly Effective Executive During Chaotic and Unusual Times” webinar spans insights including:
» The importance of consistent and proactive daily planning
» The balanced workday during usual (normal) and unusual (abnormal) times
» New guidelines for email organization, management, and communications
As a renowned consultant and international keynote speaker for over 36 years, Bruce guides business leaders through new strategies to maximize productivity and efficiency throughout their firm. Complete with suggested assignments and applicable tools to produce timely results – Breier’s webinar is simply not one to miss.
Interested in downloading the accompanying PDF of the PowerPoint presentation? Download the “The Highly Effective Executive During Chaotic and Unusual Times” PowerPoint here.