Jillian McLauglin

Vistage Speaker, EQ Leadership Coach- McLaughlin Mentoring, and TEC Canada Speaker

Jillian is a passionate and dynamic certified EQ-based leadership trainer and coach. She has worked extensively with established and emerging leaders with more than 100 TEC and Vistage leaders in NA. She helps people harness the skills of Emotional Intelligence to create engaging work environments, establish authentic relationships, and deliver business results.

Jamie Mason Cohen

Leadership Coach

Elevate your event with Jamie Cohen: renowned Keynote Speaker and Leadership Coach. With a proven track record spanning 21 countries and accolades from prestigious organizations, Jamie transforms businesses worldwide. From unlocking unique leadership styles to fostering next-level communication, Jamie delivers unparalleled value. Join global leaders like SNL’s Lorne Michaels in shaping your organization’s future with Jamie Cohen.

Jillian’s Topics

In this presentation, Jillian McLaughlin will facilitate an interactive workshop based on Emotional Intelligence/Emotional Quotient (EI/EQ) awareness and skill development. Key areas covered include:

• What is Emotional Intelligence — how EQ differs from IQ
• The business case for EQ — how developing it translates into bottom line results
• Your role as leader in developing your Emotional Intelligence — why should you?
• Emotional Intelligence assessment results — members will receive an EQ report providing them with a snapshot of their EQ (15 EQ competencies will be measured)
• Strategies to help you continually develop your EQ
• How to use the 4 vital skills of emotional well-being to help enhance overall happiness
• How do you build EQ as an organizational capacity?

Research suggests that the higher you go in an organization, the more EQ matters. In a study of more than 515 senior global executives, the most successful had the strongest emotional intelligence. A recent Harvard University study reveals that up to 95% of success in leadership is attributed to EQ.

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