Interview with Mike Gettis, CEO and Co-founder of Endy
Mike Gettis, co-founder of Endy, has eighty-nine million reasons to be a disruptor. Along with his business partner Raj Ruparell, the duo began selling pillows online, but soon realized to control their distribution channel, they would have to alter their product line. Out sprung Endy, the customer-focused mattress company famous for Mattress-in-a-Box. Founded in 2015, Gettis and his partner observed companies were doing much of the same in terms of products, distribution and marketing; their revolutionary concept landed them an $89M deal with Sleep Country.
About the Leadership Standard
The Leadership Standard, hosted by TEC Canada speaker and branding expert Gair Maxwell, explores real-life stories from leaders all across the business spectrum. It’s an intimate discovery of how they shift between triumphs, struggles, failures, disruptions and future opportunities. Each episode is a revealing conversation about the life of business and the business of life; up close and personal in a way that leaves both the audience and the guest surprised by what they uncover.