Family, Innovation, and Growth: The Sunner Family’s Durabuilt Journey

How did a small, struggling window and door company transform into a thriving industry leader? In episode 5 of the “Table Talk with ABFI” podcast, the Sunner family reveals that their journey was fueled by grit, determination, and a relentless drive for innovation. Join us as we dive into the most compelling moments from this candid conversation, shining a light on one of Alberta’s most inspiring entrepreneurial families.

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What does it take to turn a small, struggling window and door company into a thriving industry leader? For the Sunner family, it took a mix of grit, determination, and strategic innovation. In a recent episode of Table Talk, Matt Knight, Executive Director of the Alberta Business Family Institute (ABFI), sat down with Joe, Harry, and Henny Sunner of Durabuilt Windows & Doors to discuss their journey. As they prepare to be honoured at ABFI’s 20th Annual Signature Event, the Sunners share invaluable insights on entrepreneurship, family dynamics, and adapting to technological change.

From Humble Beginnings to Industry Leaders

The Sunner family’s story begins with Joe, the patriarch, who immigrated from India to England at the age of 22 with no formal education or family support. After working in a foundry for 14 years, Joe developed a relentless work ethic that would later guide his entrepreneurial path. In 1994, seeking new opportunities, Joe moved his family to Canada and soon found himself leading a small, failing window and door company in Edmonton, Alberta. With only 12 employees and financial difficulties, the future of the business looked bleak. Yet, Joe saw potential where others saw only obstacles.

Joe’s son, Harry, was key in helping to start the family business at 19. Together, they took a leap of faith, determined to breathe new life into Durabuilt Windows & Doors. The first year was especially challenging, with the company operating at a significant loss. Despite these hardships, the Sunners’ unwavering resolve became the cornerstone of their success.

Innovating for Growth

Durabuilt’s rise to success is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and innovation. To thrive in the competitive manufacturing landscape, the Sunners knew they had to adopt a forward-thinking approach. They embraced technological advancements like artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation to streamline operations and stay ahead of industry trends. As Harry, now CEO of Durabuilt, explains, “Manufacturing is not big in Canada, but we have an opportunity to become a leading player by integrating technology and automation into our processes.”

Today, Durabuilt is a leading name in the industry, with over 700 employees and a strong presence across Western Canada. The Sunners’ commitment to innovation and quality has been critical to their growth. They have expanded their business model to include B2C renovations, dealer distribution, and new construction projects, securing their position as a dominant market force.

The Strength of Family Support

Family support has been crucial to the Sunner family’s journey. For Joe, having his son Harry by his side from the beginning was essential. “From the age of 12, Harry was always interested in business,” Joe recalls. “When we came to Canada, he was my partner in every sense of the word.”

Harry attributes much of Durabuilt’s growth to the foundation his father built and the unwavering support of his mother and wife, who provided stability at home while he focused on expanding the business. “Their support enabled me to take risks and aim high,” he reflects.

Henny, the third generation in the family business, joined the marketing department and is now the Marketing and Renovation Sales Manager. Having grown up witnessing the company’s evolution, she was inspired by the sacrifices her father and grandfather made. “I watched them work seven days a week to build this company,” she says. “Their dedication taught me the importance of hard work, resilience, and family.”

Mentoring the Next Generation

The Sunners believe in mentoring the next generation, both within the family and among their employees. “We’re not just building windows and doors; we’re building leaders,” Harry notes. Durabuilt fosters growth opportunities for its 700-strong workforce, creating a culture where employees can learn, thrive, and grow their careers.

“At the end of the day, we’re in the people business,” Harry emphasizes. “Our success comes from having great people at every level of our organization.” This inclusive culture reflects the Sunners’ belief that a strong, cohesive team is vital for long-term success.

Embracing Change and Planning for the Future

Looking forward, the Sunner family remains focused on growth and adaptation. They are preparing to meet new challenges head-on, from increasing regulatory requirements to a stronger emphasis on sustainability in a rapidly changing economic landscape. Harry envisions a bright future for Durabuilt, where technology, automation, and innovative practices will continue to play a critical role.

“Edmonton is our home, and we want to be known as a North American leader in our field,” Harry shares. “We’re committed to growing our team, expanding our reach, and continuously improving our products and services.”

Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

The Sunner family’s story offers powerful lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and family businesses. Joe advises, “Be prepared for compromise. Everyone brings different strengths to the table, and it’s those differences that can lead to innovation and growth.”

Harry adds, “Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and reach out for help. Whether through forums, mentors, or partnerships, always be open to learning and evolving. Remember, just because you own the business doesn’t mean you have the right to lead it. If you’re not doing what’s best for your employees and customers, it might be time to step aside and let someone else take the reins.”

Meet the Sunners at ABFI’s Signature Event

To hear more about the Sunner family’s incredible journey and their vision for the future, join them at ABFI’s 20th Annual Signature Event on October 1 and 3, 2024. Experience firsthand the passion, dedication, and innovative spirit that have made Durabuilt a standout success in Canadian manufacturing.

TEC Canada is a proud sponsor of this year’s event, celebrating Alberta’s entrepreneurial spirit and the remarkable achievements of families like the Sunners. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired by leaders who are shaping the future of business.

To hear more about the Sunner family’s journey and their vision for the future of Durabuilt Windows & Doors, join them at ABFI’s Signature Event on October 1 and 3, 2024. Don’t miss the chance to learn from their experiences and celebrate their contributions to Alberta’s entrepreneurial landscape.
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