Everything DiSC®
A Valuable Resource for Leaders
TEC Canada Members capitalize on DiSC personality tests by implementing its features in their businesses.

What is DiSC?
DiSC® is a personality assessment tool that promotes team cooperation, communication, and efficiency in the workplace. The Everything DiSC® model identifies an individual’s personality types and provides a shared language that leaders can use to become more cognizant of themselves and the people they work with. This knowledge minimizes disagreements and enhances collaborative relationships.
DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles in the DiSC model: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness.
- D personalities tend to be direct and assertive. They value bottom-line results and have a hard time being patient.
- i personalities tend to be open and expressive. They value relationships and often act without considering consequences.
- S personalities tend to be dependable and cautious. They value cooperation and have difficulties expressing themselves.
- C personalities tend to be rational and restrained. They value accuracy and can become rigid when under pressure.
Between each section are blends of the two neighboring types. For example, someone can be Si, CD, or DC. People can also have personalities spreading over different parts of the scale but will still have a primary type.
Also note that no DiSC style is “better” than any other, and we all demonstrate each of the four styles in our daily lives. DiSC—and other types of assessments— simply helps one learn which style they gravitate toward most.

D Style
An individual with a Dominance style places emphasis on accomplishing results and “seeing the big picture”. People with a “D” style are often extroverted, outgoing, and results-oriented. They tend to be direct, decisive, driven, and demanding.

i Style
Individuals with an Influence style are extroverted, outgoing, and people-oriented. They aim to shape their environment by being impressionable, interactive, and influential. People with an “I” style are energizing and enjoy engaging others in conversation.

S Style
Someone with a Steadiness style values cooperation, sincerity, loyalty, and dependability. They enjoy giving support, and ensure harmony and balance within their team.

C Style
An individual with a Conscientiousness style are more introverted and reserved. They are generally analytical, cautious, and intentional. People with a “C” style value competency and precision while maintaining stability and challenge assumptions.
Why Canadian Business Leaders Should Use DiSC on Catalyst
The Everything DiSC Workplace® is more than a personality assessment, it’s a learning experience to collaborate and communicate with your peers more effectively. Through completing the DiSC assessment, you will discover your individual DiSC style, priorities, and nuances; your motivators and stress triggers; how you react to various DiSC styles; and advice for improving your relationships with those in your organization, leading to mutual understanding and productive conflict.
I know my DiSC style. What’s next?
After evaluating your assessment, it is a good idea to consult with people who know you and ask for their opinions. Consider the following questions to maximize DiSC application:
How am I perceived by my employees?
Am I doing all that I can to direct my employees in the best way possible?
D-style leaders, are you pausing and allowing input from others?
I-style leaders, are you allowing other people to be heard and taking the time to analyze data?
S-style leaders, are you articulating your thoughts and actions truthfully?
C-style leaders, are you prioritizing tasks more than your team members?
Ultimately, your natural approach should be trusted, and you should play to your strengths, but also acknowledge areas for personal growth. The objective is not to change who you are but to become more aware of your environment. Knowing and developing your blind spots is the most advantageous way to realize your full potential.
Tip: Did you know that your DiSC assessment is printable and available as a downloadable PDF? The Everything DiSC Workplace profile comes to life through five short format learning modules designed for instructor-led facilitation (virtual or in-person). Each module inspires rich conversation and “aha!” moments that make the learning real (and fun!).
Everything DiSC training: how leaders can support others
All individuals have problem-solving abilities, but those with a D-Style approach problems aggressively. Provide them with the chance to step up and do so effectively. Assist the D-Style in developing their empathy and patience skills.
If you’re collaborating with someone who has an i-Style, they may rely heavily on their emotions and intuition. i-Styles prefer to persuade others through emotions rather than presenting them with hard facts. Therefore, it’s best to avoid providing them with excessive amounts of information to avoid losing their interest. Assist the i-Style in acknowledging and managing their emotions, while also improving their attention to detail and ability to follow through.
The S-Style is an exceptional listener and team player; however, they may not readily express their personal views. Acknowledge this boundary and work to establish trust with them before expecting them to share their thoughts. Encourage the S-Style to be more assertive and vocal in expressing their thoughts, as their listening skills and perspectives are highly valuable.
The C Style is known for its careful and deliberate decision-making. Recognize and take advantage of their cautious style to carefully evaluate all available options. Encourage the C-Style to accept that decision-making without all the information is acceptable, as it is impossible to have all the facts.
The TEC CEO group is designed for CEOs, presidents, owners, and leaders of large enterprises with a vision and drive for developing sustainable businesses in our global economy. Connection in this group will help you champion innovation and collaboration within your organization while strengthening your leadership skills. Among several benefits, we proudly offer all TEC CEO members complimentary access to Everything DiSC Workplace®. To learn more about the TEC CEO program and to see if it’s the right peer advisory group for you, click here.