“Today, nothing thrills me more than helping leaders discover they have it within themselves to become better leaders. For me, that is also what makes the mission of TEC Canada so exciting.”
A Little Bit About Me
Legendary screenwriter William Goldman famously said of Hollywood that “Nobody knows anything…Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work. Every time out it’s a guess and, if you’re lucky, an educated one.”
Now…replace the phrase “not one person in the entire motion picture field” with “not one leader in any business” and you probably get why the role of a leader is hard, and often lonely. The leaders I work with have the humility and self-awareness to know they operate with imperfect knowledge, but they do know for a certainty that they want every competitive advantage they can get.
I mean, just imagine it: employees, investors, partners, board members, creditors, loved ones – EVERYONE is depending on you to make decisions, but you can’t necessarily depend on any one of those groups for either informed or unbiased advice.
In that moment, how valuable, how advantageous would it be to turn to others in the very same position, who’ve faced similar challenges and can give you options, and who have no agenda other than to see you succeed?
THAT is the ‘magic’ of TEC Canada, the edge it gives its members. It’s a privilege to be part of the magic show.
I’m a professional business communicator with 30 years of experience, starting out as a reporter for CBC (with a detour as a senior leader on CBC’s Dragons’ Den) and eventually becoming a strategic communications executive. I do more than shape narratives for Tier 1 leaders -I show how to express them in a way that inspires their audiences.
Seeing those leaders up close, I came to realize how much they must rely on their judgment – despite the doubts they keep to themselves. That epiphany is what prompted me to become an ICF-certified Executive Coach. Today, nothing thrills me more than reminding leaders they have everything within them to be great.
To me, TEC Canada is unique amongst CEO peer groups in their commitment to making that happen – they’re as committed as I am to supporting CEOs and their growth. There’s no better way to do that than by creating communities of leaders.
Mind you, this is not the only thing that gives me joy. I’m also a devoted husband to my wife Madeleine, and a loving father to our two daughters. Should you ever meet them, you might think I’m “punching above my weight.” Know – for a certainty – that I try hard every day to earn it.
If you’re the kind of CEO who believes they need to “earn it”, every day – then we should talk.
Group Vision
The leaders I work with fall into two basic categories: those who wanted to create something on their own and learned the business through trial and error; and those who excelled at one thing – yet when it was time to lead, they realized they’d neglected to pick up the skills to do so effectively.
In both instances, leadership was the afterthought – what drove them was their passion. I bring those CEOs together in a safe space to share their experience and accomplish three things: re-connect to that passion, unravel the mystery of leadership, and ultimately…win at business.

“Today, nothing thrills me more than helping leaders discover they have it within themselves to become better leaders. For me, that is also what makes the mission of TEC Canada so exciting.”
TEC Small Business Chair
Toronto, ON
A Little Bit About Me
Legendary screenwriter William Goldman famously said of Hollywood that “Nobody knows anything…Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work. Every time out it’s a guess and, if you’re lucky, an educated one.”
Now…replace the phrase “not one person in the entire motion picture field” with “not one leader in any business” and you probably get why the role of a leader is hard, and often lonely. The leaders I work with have the humility and self-awareness to know they operate with imperfect knowledge, but they do know for a certainty that they want every competitive advantage they can get.
I mean, just imagine it: employees, investors, partners, board members, creditors, loved ones – EVERYONE is depending on you to make decisions, but you can’t necessarily depend on any one of those groups for either informed or unbiased advice.
In that moment, how valuable, how advantageous would it be to turn to others in the very same position, who’ve faced similar challenges and can give you options, and who have no agenda other than to see you succeed?
THAT is the ‘magic’ of TEC Canada, the edge it gives its members. It’s a privilege to be part of the magic show.
I’m a professional business communicator with 30 years of experience, starting out as a reporter for CBC (with a detour as a senior leader on CBC’s Dragons’ Den) and eventually becoming a strategic communications executive. I do more than shape narratives for Tier 1 leaders -I show how to express them in a way that inspires their audiences.
Seeing those leaders up close, I came to realize how much they must rely on their judgment – despite the doubts they keep to themselves. That epiphany is what prompted me to become an ICF-certified Executive Coach. Today, nothing thrills me more than reminding leaders they have everything within them to be great.
To me, TEC Canada is unique amongst CEO peer groups in their commitment to making that happen – they’re as committed as I am to supporting CEOs and their growth. There’s no better way to do that than by creating communities of leaders.
Mind you, this is not the only thing that gives me joy. I’m also a devoted husband to my wife Madeleine, and a loving father to our two daughters. Should you ever meet them, you might think I’m “punching above my weight.” Know – for a certainty – that I try hard every day to earn it.
If you’re the kind of CEO who believes they need to “earn it”, every day – then we should talk.