Mitch Goozé

Vistage Speaker, Productivity and Performance Expert, Certified Executive Coach, and TEC Canada Speaker

Mitch Goozé is an experienced general manager and leader with operational knowledge in the high technology and consumer products industries. His ideas have helped senior executives from more than 4,000 companies define their market niches, manage innovation, develop and implement practical, workable plans, and realign their efforts to focus more closely on the customer. He has experience running divisions of large companies, as well as being CEO of mid-sized companies, including being president of Teledyne Components, a division of Teledyne Inc.

GoozĂ© was a major contributor to “Future in Sight” (Macmillan, 1995), and his own book, “It’s Not Rocket Science: Using Marketing to Build a Sustainable Business” (IMI, 1997, 2015), is based on his original Vistage presentations. His second book is “The Secret to Selling More: It’s Not Where You’ve Been Looking, If It Were, You’d Have Found It Already” (IMI 2001, 2015) is now available in trade paperback. His latest book, “Value Acceleration: The Secrets to Building an Unbeatable Competitive Advantage” (Elevate 2007, 2018) covers breakthrough ideas in the management of marketing and sales.

Goozé has a B.S. in engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. He did graduate work in electrical engineering at the California State University, Long Beach, and graduate business studies at Santa Clara University. He also holds an MS and MBA from the Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

GoozĂ© has served as a member of the board of directors of Biosystem Solution, Aquatrol, Ikonos and Hunter Associate Labs. He is a past member of the board of directors of the American Electronics Association and ASUCLA, and the board of advisors of the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. He is a Certified Speaking Professional and a founding benefactor of the International Center for Professional Speaking in Phoenix, Arizona. TEC named him “Marketing Resource of the Year.”

A Vistage member from 1983-1999, GoozĂ© is also a member of the prestigious “500 Club” having successfully presented to more than 500 Vistage groups

Jamie Mason Cohen

Leadership Coach

Elevate your event with Jamie Cohen: renowned Keynote Speaker and Leadership Coach. With a proven track record spanning 21 countries and accolades from prestigious organizations, Jamie transforms businesses worldwide. From unlocking unique leadership styles to fostering next-level communication, Jamie delivers unparalleled value. Join global leaders like SNL’s Lorne Michaels in shaping your organization’s future with Jamie Cohen.

Mitch’s Topics

This talk discusses the critical issues involved in creating and keeping customers. The topic focuses on the CEO’s role in leading the entire organization in this critical area.

In this program, Gooze: Clarifies marketing and the differences between marketing and sales Defines the CEO’s role in marketing in terms of the relationship between the company’s strategy and its marketing strategy Defines the comprehensive role of Marketing in any company Focuses on an effective tool to evaluate the company’s marketing and identify strengths and critical opportunities to develop more market power Shows members how use what they have learned to increase sales in their company.

Innovation is the transformation of new ideas into tangible, practical products, services or business practices. Ideas are not usually the problem. The key is effective placement of those ideas into situations that lead to action. While there are numerous methods and techniques to enhance “creativity,” a systematic approach to facilitating innovation is more likely to shift the momentum of the organization. Peak performing organizations take their creative ideas and produce something with them. This program focuses on how companies can manage the innovation process for optimal results. The innovation process is discussed along with methods to manage people and teams within the process.

This program is an issues based workshop. Using issues provided by the members prior to the meeting, Mitch GoozĂ© will deal with their specific concerns that relate to sales or marketing. This is more like an executive session on marketing and sales topics, but Mitch will do most of the talking as the “expert.”

In today’s challenging economic environment, most CEOs are afraid of raising prices for fear of driving customers away. While it’s important to be aware of market realities, it is also often possible to increase prices in ways that actually increase perceived product and service value. Mitch Gooze has spoken numerous times to the Professional Pricing Society. He will take us through some thought-provoking ideas for setting and raising prices while increasing value to customers.

Strategic Planning, no matter the format or process used, usually results in a document that sits on a shelf until the next time a “new” one is developed. There is little, if any, connection between the Strategic Plan and the company’s operating plan, except for intent or guidance. Companies fail to achieve their goals, not because of a poor strategic plan, but because of poor (or no) execution of that plan. Almost 2/3s of strategic plans fail due to lack of execution.

This program provides a framework to allow Vistage companies to develop a plan that can be executed by the company.

Today’s economy challenges all businesses to find ways to grow and thrive. Some companies chase the latest fad hoping it will save them. This is profitable for the fad provider, but not particularly valuable for the company looking to grow in a down market. In this presentation, marketing expert Mitch GoozĂ© provides insights into proven strategies and tactics that will help you thrive in a tough economy … as well as in a good economy. Mitch talks about stuff you can actually do, not just theories that might work. You will leave this presentation armed with what you need to take action the next day to move your company forward successfully. This program combines both tactical ideas and strategies for companies of varying sizes to allow them to apply what is discussed. Mitch is a master at adapting his content to the specific issues facing his audience.

Today’s economy challenges all businesses to find ways to grow and thrive. Some companies chase the latest fad hoping it will save them. This is profitable for the fad provider, but not particularly valuable for the company looking to grow in a down market. In this presentation, marketing expert Mitch GoozĂ© provides insights into proven strategies and tactics that will help you thrive in a tough economy … as well as in a good economy. Mitch talks about stuff you can actually do, not just theories that might work. You will leave this presentation armed with what you need to take action the next day to move your company forward successfully. This program combines both tactical ideas and strategies for companies of varying sizes to allow them to apply what is discussed. Mitch is a master at adapting his content to the specific issues facing his audience.

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