Why Leaders Should Attend
Being a TEC member has a lasting impact, not just on your business, but on your life. Your ability to deal with fast-paced change will accelerate. Your decision-making will become more decisive. You’ll be a better leader.
Hear actionable insights from TEC Speaker Eddie LeMoine
- The trends that will impact the labour market and beyond
- Why employee engagement is a critical to employee attraction, retention, and productivity
- Reasons why people join, stay and leave their employers

About The Speaker
Eddie LeMoine is one of Canada’s most sought-after experts on employee engagement, changing demographics, diversity, and performance development. His success is due to his powerful ability to close the gap between business results and personal development. Eddie will help you understand today’s employment challenges, as well as how to best prepare for future success.
*Please Note: Qualified candidates are invited to attend this event. Candidates must be the CEO, president, owner, founder, co-founder, or hold an executive role within an organization of more than 5 employees and annual revenue of over $500K. TEC Canada reserves the right to check the registration list and manage the final attendee list.