Derek Bildfell is an industry leader in customer experience design, implementation, and consulting.
By watching the “Managing the Customer Experience” webinar led by Derek Bildfell, you’ll uncover the philosophy and foundation behind Customer Experience and how leading with a CX strategy can grow the conversion of new business, turn higher profitability from current customers, improve employee engagement and increase continuous improvement across the enterprise. CEOs build businesses to provide value to their customers. Understanding how customers perceive your company and adjusting your customer’s expectations is the cornerstone of Customer Experience management. Managing the people, processes, and technologies that impact and sustain the experiences of internal and external customers has become a competitive issue for many organizations.
During this previously-live session, Derek Bildfell equips viewers with deeper insights surrounding:
- Why do you need a CX Strategy and Program?
- How to get started.
- Exploring the Lifetime value of CX management on your business.
- The impact of CX on Market Value and Growth.
- Improving Customer Centricity and the employee experience.
- Disciplines for applying Customer Experience within your organization.