The TEC Canada Deeper Insights webinar series is hosted by industry thought leaders with commendable business backgrounds on a mission to equip you with the tools to grow and strategically approach complex issues and uncertainty with confidence. Watch this webinar on-demand below and stay up to date on our webinar schedule so you can take part in each episode’s live Q&A session and gain personalized insight from industry experts.
Healing Compassion Fatigue: When You Feel Overwhelmed, Why Does It Feel So Hard To Get Started?
If you manage or lead others in any capacity, then this webinar is for you. Compassion is a vital emotion that helps us connect with others and motivates us to help them in times of need. Unfortunately, compassion can also lead to compassion fatigue, where people feel overwhelmed by the suffering of others and become numb to it. In this previously live session, Lisa Sansom presents research from the world of positive psychology to help you understand compassion and compassion fatigue, and how to overcome it. By watching this webinar with Lisa Sansom, you will be equipped with deeper surrounding:
✅What is compassion and compassion fatigue? What does the psychological literature have to say about these constructs, and how do they show up in the workplace?
✅What can be done individually to alleviate compassion fatigue and the stresses it may cause?
✅What can be collectively co-created to promote community resilience and how, by looking after each other, all boats can rise together?
It can be especially difficult for managers and leaders to express compassion at work. On the one hand, they want to maintain a professional and resilient image. On the other hand, they may encounter situations where employees are experiencing genuine hardship. Finding the right balance between these two competing impulses can be a challenge, but watching this webinar will help.