How to Build a Winning Sales Team
Insights from Shawn Casemore
As a TEC Canada Speaker, consultant, advisor, and author of three books, Shawn Casemore has travelled the globe working with organizations such as PepsiCo, Tim Hortons, and the Bank of Montreal.
He frequently delivers keynotes at large conferences and events as well as company kickoffs on topics related to selling in today’s economy—and writes for publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and more, on how to accelerate sales results.
My first official job in sales was selling cars. It came as the result of stumbling across an ad in the local “Help Wanted” section of our daily newspaper, and after considering my passion for both cars and selling, I decided it would be the perfect career choice.
Following the instructions in the ad, I stopped by the dealership in person the next day to meet with the sales manager. After some discussions, the sales manager introduced me to the dealership’s owner.
When I walked out the door that day, I was hired on a handshake, promising to return the following Monday to begin work.
Back in those days, it was an employer’s market. With so few sales opportunities available, employers had plenty of options for choosing suitable candidates.
Times have changed.
If you search “sales professional” on LinkedIn right now, you’ll find over 30,000 sales jobs posted. Do that exact search while in the United States, and you’ll find over 60,000 sales jobs.
If you’ve attempted to hire in the last 12 months, you’ll know that the quantity and quality of applicants has diminished.
Having supported several clients in identifying the best-fit candidate for their sales role, their culture, and other desirable attributes, here are my observations of today’s job market for sales candidates:
There are fewer applicants for sales vacancies.
Those who apply aren’t committed to making a change.
Nearly 25% of applicants who agree to interview don’t attend the interview.
Most applicants have experience in either retail or technical roles.
30% of applicants you make an offer to will not move forward.
If you have tried to hire someone in sales during the last 12 months, these statistics won’t come as a surprise—but this might:
When hiring top sales talent, CEOs and executives must consider one key factor: Strong sales performers are attracted to strong sales teams.
Previously, a sales professional considering a new opportunity would assess the company, the offer, and possibly the sales manager. They would pursue the opportunity or offer it if they deemed it a good fit.
Today, sales professionals also seek to identify the strength of the sales team to assess if the role will be a good opportunity as part of their “do I pursue this job, or don’t I” considerations.
There are several reasons. However, I’ve found the most common to include the following:
- Recognition that a strong sales team can accelerate learning and success in the role.
- A desire to collaborate with others who can support individual growth and success.
- Attraction to working with those who are driven, successful, and motivated to succeed.
If you are searching for new sales professionals to join your team or expect to be in the next 12-18 months, there are several steps you can take to ensure you attract (and retain) top performers.
5 Steps to Attract and Retain Top Sales Performers:
Despite the challenges of today’s job market for finding top sales professionals, there are strategies you can use to entice and attract high performers to join your team. Not to say this work isn’t difficult, it is. When you consider fewer candidates are joining the sales workforce, the urgency of making this shift quickly becomes a top priority. For those who make it a priority, it can quickly become a competitive advantage.
SHAWN CASEMORE’S experience in sales began at the age of 11 when he began selling yard maintenance services in his neighbourhood. By the age of 14, he began his first job at a local grocery store, learning how to build and nurture strong customer relationships. Today Shawn helps companies worldwide introduce what he calls Unstoppable SellingTM.
As a TEC Canada Speaker, consultant, advisor, and author of three books, Shawn has travelled the globe working with organizations such as PepsiCo, Tim Hortons, and the Bank of Montreal.
Discover more insights in Shawn’s latest book!
Shawn Casemore is a professional speaker, sales coach, and consultant. His newest book The Unstoppable Sales Team: Elevate Your Teams Performance, Win More Business and Attract Top Performers helps CEOs and Sales Executives build a winning sales team for today’s new market.