Why Leaders Should Attend
Being a TEC member has a lasting impact, not just on your business, but on your life. Your ability to deal with fast-paced change will accelerate. Your decision-making will become more decisive. You’ll be a better leader.
Hear actionable insights from TEC Speaker Jim Canfield
“Irrelevance occurs when the pace of change inside the company is less than the pace of change outside the company” – Rick Warren
The current economic landscape is far from business as usual—encompassing inflationary pressures, interest rate spikes, and a looming recession, leaders need to be prepared. Jim Canfield will share expert insight on the decisions we must make to protect your business and how to implement the following tools:
- Planning Tools: to ensure adequate preparation for an uncertain future
- People Tools: to get the most out of your people today and prepare them for future opportunities and challenges
- Performance Tools: to ensure your internal team knows where we are headed and how we will get there

About The Speaker
Jim Canfield is President of CEO Tools by Aprio. CEO Tools provides winning strategies and business performance tools that empower CEOs to drive profitable growth. Jim brings a unique blend of past experience, including extensive learning in leadership theory and practice as well as “been there, done that” practical experience running several companies
Jim is one of the only speakers to be named Speaker of Year three times, first in 2018 by TEC Canada, then in 2019 by Vistage UK and most recently for 2020 by Vistage Worldwide-US.
*Please Note: Qualified candidates are invited to attend this event. Candidates must be the CEO, president, owner, founder, co-founder, or hold an executive role within an organization of more than 5 employees and annual revenue of over $500K. TEC Canada reserves the right to check the registration list and manage the final attendee list.