Over the past 25 years Barry Deutsch has been involved in over 1,000 executive search assignments, conducted well over 100,000 interviews, and led deep research around the fundamental problems, mistakes, and errors in hiring and retention. Through his comprehensive “Managing Remotely in a Crisis” webinar, Deutsch’s insights span topics including:
» Comprehensive data from over 2000 TEC/Vistage members on best remote management practices – gathered over the last 30 days
» Learn 8 key elements of building a successful program to engage your workforce, drive higher than usual employee satisfaction/happiness and achieve flawless execution on KPIs
» Best practices for employee satisfaction, outcomes and goal attainment
Nationally recognized IMPACT Speaker of the Year by Vistage International and named as the #1 Recruiter by HR Examiner in their 2011 publication of the Top 25 Online Influencers in Recruiting – Barry Deutsch guides participants through effective collaboration tools and the true value of achieving employee engagement. If your team has recently pivoted to remote work, Deutsch’s insights will be invaluable for your team.